Veneta Shopova has extensive experience as a lawyer. From 1997 she worked as a lawyer at Sofia Bar Association, specializing in the field of civil, administrative and commercial law.
From 2002 Veneta Shopova directed her career development in public administration – as a legal advisor at the Regional Administration of Sofia Region with focus on legal representation in administrative and civil cases. Since the beginning of 2006 she has worked at the Commission for Personal Data Protection first as a legal advisorand later as Director of Law in the Legal and International Activity directorate. By decision of the Parliamentof 19 December 2007 she was elected Chairperson of the CPDP.
Within the period 2004 to 2005 Veneta Shopova specialized in Belgium and Denmark under the Programme for Training Experts from the Regional Departments of the Central Administration in the Field of Public Contracts of the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Office (TAIEH) at Directorate General Enlargement of the European Commission, certified as a regional expert.
Veneta Shopova is a member of the Advisory Committee under Convention 108/81/CE of the Council of Europe and the Commission under Art. 31 of Directive 95/46/EC.
Veneta Shopova is fluent in Russian and English.

Krasimir Dimitrov specialized in Legal Clinics in Washington and New York. He is a founder of Legal Clinic Foundation in the town of Ruse 1999, established in collaboration with the American Bar Association (ABA – CEELI).
Krasimir Dimitrov is a vice-dean of the Faculty of Law at Angel Kanchev Ruse University and a full-time assistant in Civil Law and Family Law at St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. He delivered lectures at the University of National and World Economic, Varna University of Economics, G. S. Rakovski Military Academy, St. St. Cyril and Methodius Veliko Tarnovo University. He worked as an expert at the Parliament and at the Bulgarian Center of Human Rights.
Krasimir Dimitrov is a member of the Data Protection Working Party in the European Union under Article 29 of the Directive 95/46/ЕC of the European Parliament and the Council. He also participates in the International Working Party on the Protection of Personal Data in Telecommunications.

Valentin Enev worked as an application and system programmer in Mechatronics S.A. and Podem Electric Hoist Works in the town of Gabrovo. He was a designer on computer design of land partition in Gabrovo region. He taught mathematics and computer science. He worked as a supervisor at Allianz Bulgaria Commercial Bank in Gabrovo and later as a system administrator at the Central Department of Allianz Bulgaria S.A. in Sofia.
Valentin Enev is a member of the International Working Party on Data Protection in Telecommunications.
He is fluent in English and Russian.

Mariya Mateva has a practice of many years as a jurist. She worked as a trainee-judge at Varna Regional Court and as a lawyer in the town of Plovdiv. She is a specialist in the field of civil, penal, commercial and divorce cases, as well as in out-of-court defense of clients` interests. She worked at Eurobank EFG Bulgaria.
From 2002 to 2007 Mariya Mateva was a member of the State Commission on Information Security. She was a national representative in a number of forums and working parties of NATO and the EU in the field of protection of information. She participated in the process of establishment of the national legal framework in the field of protection of classified information. She participated in the pre-accession process on admission of Bulgaria to NATO and the EU.
Mariya Mateva is a member of the Data Protection Working Party in the European Union under Article 29 of Directive 95/46 EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. She participated in the Joint Supervisory Authorities for Europol, Schengen and Customs, in the Working Party on Police and Justice and in the Eurodac Supervision Coordination Group.
Mariya Mateva is fluent in English, French and Russian.

He defended a doctorate on Management of Information in Computer Networks. Senior Research Associate II rank in Computer Science (Information Security). In November 2008 he defended a dissertation for the science rank "Doctor of Technical Sciences". In August 2010 he was awarded the academic title "Professor".
He specialized in George Marshal European Centre for Security Studies and Communication and Information Technologies (Cisco Academy) at Technical University, Bucharest, Romania. He was the head and a certified instructor in Cisco Regional Academy at G. S. Rakovski Military Academy.
Veselin Tselkov is a lecturer in Information Security at St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University and at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. He is a director of studies of undergraduate and post-graduate students in the field of information security. He worked as a research associate in the field of protection of information at the Military Research Institute of the Army General Staff and a senior research associate II rank at the Institute of Perspective Studies for the Defense, G. S. Rakovski Military Academy. Veselin Tselkov is a colonel retired of the Bulgarian Army.
From 2002 to 2007 Veselin Tselkov was a member of the State Commission on Information Security. He participated in Bulgarian and international working parties on information security issues. He was a national representative in a number of forums and working parties of NATO and the EU in the field of protection of information. He is a member of the Atlantic Club.
Veselin Tselkov is a member of the Joint Supervisory Authorities for Europol, Schengen and Customs, in the Working Party on Police and Justice, Eurodac Supervision Coordination Group and the Data Protection International Working Group in Telecommunications.
Veselin Tselkov is fluent in English and Russian.