The Schengen Joint Supervisory Authority ceased its activity on 9-th April 2013. From this date, a Coordination Group consisting of the national data protection authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor are responsible for the personal data protection supervision of SIS II.
The Schengen Joint Supervisory Authority (JSA) was set up in accordance with art. 115 (1) of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement to be responsible for supervising the central section of the Schengen Information System (SIS). The tasks of the Joint Supervisory Authority were the following:
· delivers an opinion in the event that two Contracting Parties cannot reach agreement with regard to data contained in an alert that has been entered incorrectly or unlawfully. The Contracting Party that did not enter the alert is obliged to submit the case to the JSA. (article 106 (3) of the Convention);
· analyses problems relating to implementation or interpretation which may arise in connection with the operation of the SIS;
· looks at the problems that may arise with regard to the implementation of independent supervision by the national authorities of the Contracting Parties.
· examines the problems which may result from exercising the right of access to data in the system;
· drafts harmonised proposals aimed at resolving existing problems;
· is informed about the special security measures taken by each Contracting Party for transmitting data to bodies or departments located outside the territories of the Contracting Parties (article 118 (2) of the Convention);
· delivers opinions at the request of the Contracting Parties on the problems that arise in applying and interpreting Article 126 in relation to the automated processing of personal data transmitted outside the framework of the SIS for the purpose of implementing the Convention (article 126 (3) (f);
· may, in accordance with the conditions and provisions specified in Article 126, deliver an opinion on the transmission of data from, and the entry of data in, a non-automated database (article 127 (1) of the Convention).