On 10th of October 2017, 10:00am, the Commission for Personal Data Protection, address: Sofia, bul. Tsvetan Lazarov 2, will host the First national round table on „Certifying as data protection in Bulgaria and the EU, according to GDPR (EU) 2016/679”. The event is organized with the cooperation and participation of the Commission for Personal Data Protection and Executive agency „Bulgarian Accreditation Service” (EA BAS). Amongst the participants will be INVEO SRL (Italy) and ACCREDIA (Italy), who will present their experience in the making of schemes and certification with regards to the Regulation.
The goal of the round table is to examine the opinions of stakeholders – institutions, experts, businesses. During the meeting an opportunity will be given to discuss the new requirements which the Regulation imposes, to share opinions and recommendations regarding the introduction of unified criteria, as well as the optimization of the processes for control and certification in relation to the application of the Regulation.
The main topics to be discussed are as follows:
1. Overall introduction to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the opportunities to certification, which the Regulation introduces.
2. Introducing the Accreditation Procedure BAS QR 2 of the National authority for accreditation of Republic of Bulgaria – Executive Agency Bulgarian Accreditation Service.
3. Introducing a scheme for certification of processes pursuant to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065
4. Introducing a scheme for certification of persons pursuant to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17024
5. Introducing a scheme for certification of systems for personal data processing pursuant to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021
6. Introducing the Italian experience and practice in the sphere of certification.