The Commission for Personal Data Protection adopted new Ordinance № 1 on the minimal level of technical and organization... (more)
On 30 January 2013, the Commission for Personal Data Protection adopted new Ordinance on the minimal level of technical and organizational measures and the admissible type of personal data protection.…
The Data Protection Secretariat of the European Commission provides explanatory materials on key aspects of the Data Pro... (more)
In marking January 28 - Data Protection Day, the Commission for Personal Data Protection took the opportunity to publish on its website the explanatory materials on key aspects of the…
On 28 January the Commission for Personal Data Protection „opens its doors” for citizens and media
On January 28, 2013 (Monday) from 09:00 to 12:00 am, at the Commission for Protection of Personal Data (address: city of Sofia, "Ivan Geshov" № 15), the CPDP’s Chairwoman, the…
Monthly Plan for Inspections of Data Controllers for 2013
№ Data controller Address FEBRUARY 1 Executive Forest Agency Sofia 2 "TBI Leasing" JSC Sofia 3 Ministry of Interior - Schengen Information System Sofia…