With regard to the epidemic situation in the country and for the purpose of preventing the disease and reducing the risk of new cases of influenza, acute respiratory diseases and coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the Commission for Personal Data Protection informs that the public meetings on complaints will not be postponed, but this requires strict adherence to the restrictive rules and extraordinary working conditions concerning both CPDP and its employees and citizens. It is recalled that attendance at public meetings is not compulsory and attendance is restricted to participants in the relevant administrative proceedings.
CPDP building can only be accessed by parties to administrative proceedings who are unable to access the files through one of the other channels: electronically, by mail or by fax. Receipt of information on the files can be done by telephone or e-mail, and a copy of the materials on the file can be obtained by a party to administrative proceedings after a request submitted by letter, electronic mail or fax.
Since 13 March 2020 admission control measures have been strengthened as follows: the security guard measures the body temperature of each CPDP employee and every visitor to the CPDP building (such as employees of other institutions, suppliers, couriers, participants in administrative proceedings and other citizens requesting CPDP’s administrative services) and admits only persons not having a high body temperature.