The abuse of personal data, related to the identity of the individual (family name, name, birth date) means that the abuser uses someone else’s identity, e.g. his/her identity document is being used by someone else.
If you are on the territory of the Schengen area and you find out that your rights have been affected by personal data abuse, you have to contact the nearest police station. There you have to present information concerning you identity documents and if the national law allows so – finger prints and photos.
In this case of inquiry to the SIS database an explicit mechanism exists, which redirects to the national SIRENE bureau for verification whether the individual’s data are his/her real data or that person has become a victim of identity theft.
Personal data processing of an individual which has been a victim of identity theft requires his/her explicit consent and can be used only for establishment of the real identity of the investigated individual, and not for any other purposes.