The Conference of European Data Protection Authorities (the so-called “Spring Conference”) is a forum for promoting practical cooperation and the exchange of best practices between national supervisory authorities for the protection of privacy and personal data on the European continent.
The Spring Conference concludes with the adoption of resolutions from the discussions. In 2023, alongside the resolution amending the rules of procedure for the functioning of the Conference, a resolution was adopted on the need for enhanced cooperation in the field of data protection and competition.
Through the second resolution, the national data protection supervisory authorities, members of the Conference, commit to working towards enhanced cooperation in achieving progress both in the protection of the fundamental rights to privacy and in the protection of personal data and in fair competition, by deepening cooperation and exchange of information with competition authorities. The resolution was submitted by the host of the Conference – the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Hungary, as well as the Commission for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria, supported by the European Data Protection Board and the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.
In May 2023, the CPDP became part of the permanent Steering Committee of the Conference, and in the next two years its representatives will be actively involved in the institutional building and annual editions of the Spring Conference.
- To consider issues of common interest, new trends and new developments related to privacy and data protection rights, applicable in the European context, including by considering relevant global developments, as appropriate to inform European developments;
- To reflect the pan-European composition of its members, thus serving to strengthen the connection between regulators across Europe and their ability to consider communiqués or resolutions;
- building cooperation between the different systems in Europe and between the professionals working in these systems, in pursuit of an unparalleled regional data privacy ecosystem;
- focusing on practical exchange and discussion of best practices in the development and implementation of privacy-related policies and legislation, as well as on stakeholder networking activities.
- to examine issues of common interest related to privacy and data protection rights;
- to prepare and adopt declarations and resolutions on issues of common interest, to make strong and clear statements on the protection of individuals’ rights;
- to exchange best practices enabling data protection authorities to better fulfil their mandates;
- to discuss the activities of its members and the important events of the previous year and to set priorities for the coming year and how to achieve them collectively;
- to strengthen international cooperation by allowing data protection authorities to cooperate with each other to enforce the rights of data subjects in cross-border cases.